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List of Internet Explorer 7 beta 2 reviews

The Internet Explorer 7 team"s rallying cry: "Show "em what we"ve got."
OK. They showed us. And reviewers, in general, aren"t exactly jumping up-and-down and spitting nickels.
Beyond "buggy, buggy, buggy," analysts decry that:
-Editing Favorites requires using classic menus;
-Psychotic graphics rendering renders some sites useless;
-Colors, buttons and alignment of graphics are mismatched;
-The Tabs feature is awkward and severely limited, and;
-Toolbar customization is scatalogical.
On the upside, they think the text zooming tool is really kewl.

Survey of Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Reviews: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! [Email Battles]

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