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BeleniX LiveCD version 0.4.1 released

A new release of the LiveCD is available with several improvements, fixes and new software. The salient points are listed below:

Improved bootup time via a variety of mechanisms with further room for improvement in future. For full details see: The BeleniX LiveCD Performance Story
Upgraded to OpenSolaris build 34 and implemented almost complete Non-DEBUG build so the kernel is now leaner and meaner.
Added Stefan Teleman's Port of K3b for OpenSolaris.
Improved Monitor auto-detection code esp for some flat-panel monitors like Laptop ones.

New wallpapers for both Xfce and KDE.
Upgraded existing drivers and added new Network drivers from Masayuki Murayama.
Added 2 more games: Heroes and Lbreakout2.
Added other software like KDE Educational software suite, Cdrdao, Cdrtools, Nasm, Multitail, OpenMotif, HTML Tidy, Numeric Python.
Fixed a problem with some Gimp plugins being corrupted.
Fixed the Xorg Display issue on Microsoft Virtual PC.
Power management for AMD now works again.
Added the missing isnand function to the Math Library.


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