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Rollyo, create your own search engine

Rollyo is the fast, easy way to create personal search engines using only the sources you trust.
Are you tired of wading though thousands of irrelevant search results to get to the information you want? Ever wish you could narrow your search to sites you already know and trust? With Rollyo, you can easily create your own custom search engines, and explore and save those created by others.
Rollyo puts the power of Yahoo! Search in your hands, by giving you the tools to create your own personal search engines - with no programming required. All you have to do is pick the sites you want to search, and we'll create a custom search engine for you.

Very cool service, if you don't understand it yet, read about it or test our public search engine.
One of its great features is add searchrolls to Mozilla searchbox :
Roll a Firefox™ Search Engine
Firefox™ users can quickly create custom search engines and add them to their browser toolbar in one click. You can include one site that you search all the time or a topical list of up to 25 sites.


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